Replace Your Telephone Conference Tool with I’m InTouch Meeting?

I’m InTouch Meeting lets you conduct online meetings, share your desktop screens with your attendees, transfer files, chat, etc., etc. On top of being a web conferencing software, do you know that you can actually replace your companies’ traditional telephone conferencing tool with I’m InTouch Meeting by using its “Phone-Only” meeting option?
The “Phone-Only” option allows moderators to conduct just phone conferences without using the computer exactly the same as the conference lines offered by telephone companies.
The main advantages of I’m InTouch Meeting’s Standalone Phone Conference feature are:
- One user interface to learn for scheduling/administrating both phone only and web conferences.
- Low flat monthly rate for unlimited usage.
- Instant log records with all the details you need for accounting/statistics purpose.
- Meeting ID (i.e. Conference ID) can be changed each time
Moderators can have the flexibility of assigning different Meeting IDs to each event.
- Password can be changed each time.
Moderators can also change the passwords for different events as well.

In summary, you can replace your traditional phone conferencing tool with I’m InTouch Meeting that provides you with a cost effective all-in-one online meeting and “Phone-Only” conferencing product.