Cybersecurity a Top Concern for World Leaders

This year alone we saw two major cyber-attacks in the United States of America – the SolarWinds hack and the Colonial Pipeline ransomware cyber-attack. They have shown us a mirror on how vulnerable other countries are to similar attacks. Government bodies and infrastructure have not been the only targets – the healthcare sectors, finance industries, educational institutions, travelling industries, cybersecurity providers, and the list goes on.  Everyone has witnessed or even suffered from a massive cyber-attack in the past one year.

These cyber-attacks have shown clearly that we MUST upgrade our cybersecurity measures. The world is not equipped to handle cyber-attacks today.  It is unimaginable what can happen with the arrival of quantum threats.

According to The Wall Street Journal, recent ransomware attack victims, Colonial Pipeline and the chemical distribution firm Brenntag had both paid the equivalent of $4.4 million ransoms, while the JBS meat processing company had paid $11 million to end the cyber attack.  After Colonial Pipeline’s payment was announced, their CEO Joseph Blount said, “I didn’t make it lightly.  I will admit that I wasn’t comfortable seeing money go out the door to people like this. But it was the right thing to do for the country.”

A survey conducted by the security firm Kaspersky suggested more than half of the ransomware victims in 2021 paid up to regain access to their own information.  This has not just caused monetary loss but also credibility loss.

It is imperative that all business and government leaders should act NOW.  It is far cheaper to upgrade your security measures with IronCAP™ than paying a hefty ransom to hackers.  IronCAP™’s patent-pending post-quantum cryptography is designed to be integrated with all kinds of vertical solutions such as email/file encryption, remote access/VPN, cloud storage, 5G/IoT, blockchains, financial transactions, etc.  Based on the “un-crackable” 50-year Goppa code-based theory, proven “un-hackable” in global hackathons (2019-2021) and endorsed by numerous industry experts, IronCAPTM can safeguard you from cyber threats today and in the quantum computing era.

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WSJ article