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Andrew and Other Panelists Discussing Quantum Computing

September’s Quantum Computing Arrival Panel

Our Quantum Computing Arrival Panel was a hit. Our CEO, Andrew would like to thank fellow panelists Phil Kaye, PhD;  Roman Lutsiv, CFA, CMT; and Sean Oh for sharing insights. Thank you to attendees for your participation in a lively Q&A.

Phil kicked us off with an explanation of the differences between gate model quantum computing and quantum annealing (used by D-Wave). He spoke on optimization problems being solved by Quantum Computing, with an example being traffic routing in logistical challenges by Volkswagen.

Sean spoke next on what he has seen at the Quantum incubator at the creative destruction lab. He described some of the interesting start ups who had been through the program. He shared how the incubator helps develop the start-ups by connecting them with mentors and partners, as well as quantum computing hardware.

Roman spoke on how his company, Adaptive finance technologies, is using quantum computing and artificial intelligence to solve financial challenges. He spoke on how quantum computing is used in his application and the financial industry. Most notably, their products provide for AI and Machine learning driven investment management.

Andrew, IronCAP’s CEO, spoke on the need to be prepared for quantum computing’s arrival. He discussed known developments of quantum computers such as D-Wave and IBM. Having recently attended the NIST Conference where the world stage was well-represented, Andrew also mentioned unknown developments within foreign countries. Quantum computers are becoming more available to nation-state bad actors and companies can use IronCAP to defend themselves proactively.

We wrapped up the panel with many Q&As. All panelists agreed that companies should be doing more to prepare for quantum computing, and that the public and private sectors needed to work together to prevent brain-drain of IP and expertise to other countries.

Attendees now know that quantum computing has arrived and what we should do as organizations and individuals to adjust to this new reality. Did you miss the event but are curious as to what was said? Stay tuned for the video coming soon.