A Seamless Email Encryption System

01 Communique Laboratory Inc. filed a patent with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) for a Cryptographic System and Method that facilitates sending encrypted emails to a recipient.

Andrew Cheung, President of 01 Communique said, “This new patent application receipt is a very important milestone towards providing businesses and individuals with a seamless end-to-end encrypted email system that delivers encrypted messages that only the intended recipients can decrypt and read.” An added advantage of this product is that while it safeguards against attacks on today’s computers, customers can be ensured that they are also safe from future malicious Quantum Computer attacks.
In a traditional end-to-end email encryption system, the recipient must first be a user of the system before the sender can send encrypted messages to the recipient. The new method filed in the patent facilitates sending encrypted emails to a recipient without having to first require the recipient to be an existing registered user of IronCAP X. This invention enables a seamless plug-and-play mechanism to automatically invite new IronCAP X users fuelling a viral growth pattern.

The IronCAP X product encrypts sensitive emails such as those sent by financial, legal, and other institutions, and protects personal or business data. A key feature of IronCAP X is the digital signature of emails to confirm sender identity, this feature will shut-down the source of most malicious activities such as ransom attacks and phishing email scams.

01 Communique has achieved a milestone towards providing businesses and individuals with a seamless end-to-end encrypted email system. This will discourage hackers to attack email servers of email providers.

Checkout: http://www.ironcap.ca