RDP For Smart Phone – An unexplored part of technology

Remote Desktop will always find its way on a device for those who are always traveling. One important aspect of working with this application is that it lets you access desktops from tablets or other mobile devices. This feature is especially popular with a majority of tablet devices regardless of it being an iOS or Android based.

Tablets have evolved a long way in terms of features and usability. Numerous apps designed especially for mobile devices ensure that what you get, is the actual work done in the right way with just a touch on the screen. However, there will be times when you desperately need to access your desktop environment. So, what do you do in order to get your PC environment on the tablet or other device? You do not need to sacrifice your tablet anymore to get the PC environment. Life becomes easier when you have helpful apps around that make numerous tasks possible, and getting a desktop environment is as easy. This article discusses the best utility software for remotely accessing desktop on iPad and other tablets using Android that will fulfill your desire to have a mobile, touch friendly app. Firstly, let us understand why do you need this app.

The best RDP app for iPad or other tablets will let you access remote computer that is sometimes also called the host computer from your tablet, from a different location. For instance, with standard apps available in the market you would be able to work with your files, programs, and network resources as if you were in front of your computer.

Now, when you leave programs running on any mobile device and reach home or office, you would be able to see the device’s computer environment being displayed on the home/office computer with the same programs running that had been left open in your tablet.

The scope of the best RDP app for iPad and other tablets

There has always been a great scope for all kinds of applications that allow to remotely access any computer. The app provides one great aspect to a person to use the desktop environment from their tablets.

Tablets are omnipresent with their popularity rising day by day, with the release of each new model. With the  rise in the number of its users, it becomes inevitable for those who work, to access various files from different locations in various desktop environments. Thus, there is a great demand for this app that allows users to conveniently access files from their desktops at a remote location. This app is ideal for those who want to access their main computer at various locations.

I’m InTouch Go App for Tablets By 01 Communique

This app comes under the wide range of remote desktop applications developed by 01 Communique. This app allows users access to their remote computers on their smartphones or tablets.

How does the app work with smartphones or tablets?

On installing the I’m InTouch Remote Desktop Software on main computer at home or office, you will be quickly able to access desktop environment on the tablet or the smartphone.

  • Depending on the mobile device on which you would like to install the application you could either download the application from the App store for iPad or iPhone, or the Android Market for Tablet or other smartphone with Android.
  • Next, run the app on your device and select one of the options given on your screen to get access to your remote computer. You are asked to access the remote computer with computer name, or with the help of login ID & Password.
  • Once you get the access to the host machine, you are able to view and manage all the files, programs, and other data that are located on the main computer – whenever and wherever you need it.

The Salient Features of the I’m InTouch Go app

  • You could run programs from the main computer.
  • You are able to change settings on your host computer.
  • You could now listen to audio or watch videos on your mobile devices that are played on the host computer.
  • If your host computer has been turned off, you could reboot your computer.
  •  Perform any task on your tablet that you would normally be doing in front of your computer.

Regardless of where you are, this app will always be helpful as it helps you access your PC from any remote location. You might be conducting a meeting, and all of a sudden you remember that you forgot to insert a picture that is stored in your PC. This is where the app comes in use. If there is a bunch of work files or some programs on your computer, however you are not present there physically, you always have the software from 01 Communique at your service that helps you in accessing all the stuff that matters to you at that moment. This  also helps in increasing productivity and less communication. Also, it reduces the hassles helping you to focus on other important elements of your work and other functions.

If you have been ignoring these types of applications for long, its’ time you started considering them as you are not going to carry your desktop at all places that you travel. Also, while on a business trip you may forget your laptop in a hotel room and you need urgent access to your file. In such a case, you will want to work with RDP that helps you work on different files when needed. Remote desktop apps are the most impressive type of applications that could be utilized to the fullest potential, something that gives you access to the best possible desktop functions that you need to utilize. It actually allows you to carry your PC wherever you go, without actually having to carry it.

The Advantages of RDP app

  • Security: 01 Communique understands how important your files could be for you, and hence they ensure utmost safety of your desktop. All your important data, including files and documents are stored in most secure data centers around the world. Thus, the chances of theft or loss of data is absolutely zero. State-of-the-art encryption technology will ensure that the connection to your main computer would remain protected, eliminating the risk of hacking and other data losses that are quite common with networking and computing.
  • Flexibility: The main motive of the app is allowing people to perform their work from literally any place. The only requirements are a computer and a secure internet connection. These are the components that add to the freedom and flexibility available with RDP, which otherwise is impossible.
  • Lower Cost: As RDP apps that are designed for tablets could be used via a single machine, it is not necessary to buy multiple copies of similar business softwares while using a remote desktop system.


The technology is evolving with each passing day, and our lives getting hectic in the digital age, it has become inevitable for individuals to avoid the simple yet effective solutions that make their lives easier. Mobile devices have become tremendously popular in the tablet generation and more and more people are getting on the move throughout the day with this device. Hence, devices like the RDP app that are compatible with iPad are getting more popular as they tend to keep the working individuals off from unwanted pressure. At 01com.com we tend to make your lives easy with our wide range of remote desktop business applications.