Monthly Archives: September 2023


Prepare Now for the Quantum Computing Revolution

Prepare Now for the Quantum Computing Revolution

The events of September 11, 2001 taught many lessons about disaster preparedness and business continuity planning. One story that illustrates this well involves Morgan Stanley and their empty office space in New Jersey.

In the months leading up to 9/11, Morgan Stanley had set up a fully functioning office space in New Jersey, complete with technology infrastructure and workstations. Yet this office sat entirely unused each day, serving no immediate purpose.

That is until the Twin Towers fell. When Morgan Stanley’s main offices were destroyed, they were able to quickly reroute operations through the New Jersey office. Within just three days, their systems were back online with minimal disruption to the business.

This was only possible because of Morgan Stanley’s foresight in developing a backup plan for an unknown potential crisis. The unused office space was an investment in preparedness for the unexpected.

Today’s businesses face a looming technological crisis in the rise of quantum computing. Though still years away, quantum computers threaten to upend cybersecurity by rendering current encryption methods obsolete. Organizations need to start preparing now for this disruption to avoid being caught off guard.

Just like Morgan Stanley’s unused office space, adopting new quantum-safe encryption like IronCAP requires investment even before the threat materializes. But this upfront cost pales in comparison to the massive impacts on business operations if quantum computers emerge without adequate security preparations in place.

The events of 9/11 demonstrated the critical need for contingency planning and getting ahead of future risks. Companies that want to withstand the next technological shift would be wise to heed this lesson. By taking action now, they can maintain continuity when the landscape inevitably evolves. Don’t wait for quantum computers to arrive to prepare – the time is now.

You need to act now!

We at IronCAP™ have been trying to educate businesses and individuals that Q-day (the day the first quantum hack is publicly recognized) is around the corner and everybody needs to gear up. Nation states and governments are already at it, how about you? To learn more, visit

IronCAP™ is our latest innovation for the post-quantum cybersecurity. This patent-protected, post-quantum cryptographic system is based on the Goppa Code-based cryptographic technology. It has embedded our proprietary subclass of (L, G) making it not only more secured but also has faster cryptographic operations (key generation, encryption, decryption) than the traditional Goppa Code-based technology (McEliece). We are offering a live demonstration for the general public to try and experience the strength of IronCAP™ post-quantum encryption easily. To learn more, visit


The Future is Here: Commercially Available PQC Solutions for the Quantum Threat

The Future is Here: Commercially Available PQC Solutions for the Quantum Threat

The advent of quantum computers capable of breaking current public key cryptography is inevitable. While we may still be years away from this, forward-thinking companies are already developing quantum-safe solutions.

On a recent episode of the Root Causes podcast, Andrew Cheung of IronCAP discussed how his company is bringing post-quantum cryptography (PQC) to market today in various applications.


IronCAP started working on PQC solutions in anticipation of the quantum threat over 5 years ago. They developed a toolkit that allows integrating PQC algorithms like Kyber and Dilithium into existing public key infrastructure.

Rather than wait for industry standards, IronCAP took the walled garden approach and implemented PQC within their own products first. For example, they now offer a PQC-enabled VPN and end-to-end encrypted email.

A project with cryptocurrency companies highlights how PQC can be applied selectively even with legacy infrastructure. While blockchain ledgers are quantum-safe, the private keys used to authorize transactions are vulnerable. IronCAP devised a way to implement PQC to protect these keys while maintaining compatibility with existing blockchains.

The key takeaway is that companies who recognize the quantum threat and control their own IT environments can start integrating PQC today. This allows high-value targets to mitigate the risk of “harvest now, decrypt later” attacks even before broad PQC standards and compatibility emerge.

So while fully universal PQC across the internet is still on the horizon, solutions for specific use cases are here today. IronCAP is leading the charge in commercially viable PQC, bringing quantum-safe security to early adopters.

As quantum computing advances, PQC will be crucial in all industries relying on data protection and integrity, like finance, healthcare, and defense. Companies have a choice – either leave sensitive data vulnerable to future decryption, or be proactive and integrate selective PQC safeguards now.

The message is clear: commercially viable PQC is available today thanks to innovative companies like IronCAP. The future of quantum-safe data protection is already here.

You need to act now!

We at IronCAP™ have been trying to educate businesses and individuals that Q-day (the day the first quantum hack is publicly recognized) is around the corner and everybody needs to gear up. Nation states and governments are already at it, how about you? To learn more, visit

IronCAP™ is our latest innovation for the post-quantum cybersecurity. This patent-protected, post-quantum cryptographic system is based on the Goppa Code-based cryptographic technology. It has embedded our proprietary subclass of (L, G) making it not only more secured but also has faster cryptographic operations (key generation, encryption, decryption) than the traditional Goppa Code-based technology (McEliece). We are offering a live demonstration for the general public to try and experience the strength of IronCAP™ post-quantum encryption easily. To learn more, visit