Category Archives: Remote Support


Could RSA be cracked in 2025? – it looks like a strong possibility!

An interesting prediction has come to our attention – the RSA encryption algorithm may be cracked in 2025, which is just around the corner.

Although 2025 is an indirect conclusion (if you ask ChatGPT how many qubits are required to crack RSA the answer comes back as 4000 and IBM’s development roadmap of 4000 qubit being sometimes 2025) the implications of such an event are significant, and it’s crucial to explore potential solutions to ensure the security of our digital world.

While this prediction may not be set in stone, it’s worth contemplating the possibilities and considering the measures we can take to protect our sensitive information. That’s where IronCAP™ comes into play. IronCAP™ is a cutting-edge, patent-protected, post-quantum cryptographic system that utilizes not only Post-quantum Cryptographic algorithms approved by NIST but also Goppa Code-based technology predicted to be included into the final approval list of NIST later in 2024.

What sets IronCAP™ apart is its proprietary subclass of (L,G), which not only enhances security but also provides faster cryptographic operations, including key generation, encryption, and decryption. These advancements make IronCAP™ a compelling solution for safeguarding our data in a post-quantum era.

Designed to withstand the threats posed by quantum computers, IronCAP™ offers robust post-quantum encryption that can protect our digital communications and sensitive information. With the potential cracking of RSA on the horizon, IronCAP™ presents itself as a powerful tool to maintain the integrity of our online transactions and secure our personal data.

To demonstrate the strength of IronCAP™ post-quantum encryption, we are proud to offer a live demonstration for the general public. This opportunity allows individuals to experience firsthand the capabilities of IronCAP™ and witness its effectiveness in protecting information from potential threats.

Find out more …

As we navigate the uncertainties of the future, it’s essential to stay informed and proactive in our approach to cybersecurity. IronCAP™ represents a significant step forward in ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of our digital world. So, let’s embrace the possibilities offered by post-quantum encryption and explore the future of cybersecurity with IronCAP™ as our steadfast companion.

Together, let us forge a path towards a more secure digital landscape, one where our information remains protected even in the face of emerging threats. Join us in this journey, and let your voice be heard as we navigate the ever-changing landscape of cybersecurity. Together, we can build a safer future.

With the world’s fastest supercomputers, it would take around 300 trillion years to break the 2048-bit RSA encryption. A quantum computer would be finished with a similar task in merely eight hours!

You need to act now!

We at IronCAP™ have been trying to educate businesses and individuals that Q-day (the day the first quantum hack is publicly recognized) is around the corner and everybody needs to gear up. Nation states and governments are already at it, how about you? To learn more, visit

IronCAP™ is our latest innovation for the post-quantum cybersecurity. This patent-protected, post-quantum cryptographic system is based on the Goppa Code-based cryptographic technology. It has embedded our proprietary subclass of (L, G) making it not only more secured but also has faster cryptographic operations (key generation, encryption, decryption) than the traditional Goppa Code-based technology (McEliece). We are offering a live demonstration for the general public to try and experience the strength of IronCAP™ post-quantum encryption easily. To learn more, visit

Why Do Technical Support Remotely?


Customers’ problems relating to computers or applications can now be solved by a remote technician or agent instantly in a cost-effective way.  Remote support means accessing your client’s computer remotely to do system modifications, updates or fixes.  Of course, it requires certain skills and tools, such as I’m OnCall.  I’m OnCall is a secure online help desk software which allows organizations to offer remote support over the Internet to their customers.

Why remote support is an appealing alternative to traditional on-site support?

-          Going on site requires too much travelling time.

-          Going on site is too expensive.

-          A fix needs to be done in minutes, not hours.

-          Reduces the support response time which will reduce customers’ down time.

-          Allows you to support more customers located in different geographical area

-          Customers’ premises may not be readily accessible (security policy, night time, etc.).

-          Technicians can provide remote support from their mobile devices.

I’m OnCall lets you setup a temporary connection to your customer’s computer without any pre-installed software. You can quickly and efficiently resolve your customers’ technical and IT support issues by remotely controlling their computers.  Plus, your agents can login from anywhere in the world to support your customers, saving you time and travelling cost.

Do you know you can provide world-class Live-Chat support to your customers within minutes?  I’m OnCall gives you private URLs for embedding onto your web site.  Simply implement a Live-Chat button with the given URL on your web site, your customers can then request to chat with an agent easily.  Each agent can have up to 10 simultaneous chat sessions to deal with volumes at peak times.  With its low cost shareable licensing plan and versatile features, I’m OnCall provides you with an ideal tool to offer remote support to your customers.

I’m OnCall Free vs Paid

I’m OnCall is a cost-effective, secure online help desk software which allows organizations to offer remote support over the Internet to their customers. The two flavours of I’m OnCall are the free version and the paid version. So what is the difference between the two?

Free Version Features:

Remote Control


Paid Subscription Features:

Remote Control – As a support agent, nothing is more effective than temporarily taking remote control of your customers’ computers to resolve their technical issues. In addition to controlling the screen you may also do remote file transfer.

Live Chat –  This essentially can eliminate your customer service phone lines. Your customers can submit live chat requests through a queue (clicking the Live-Chat button on your web site embedded with an URL given to you by I’m OnCall). Your agents simply pick up requests and perform real-time live chat with the customers via the Internet. Your customers may leave call-back requests if the queue is busy.

Simultaneous Live Chat session – Agents can chat with many customers at the same time.

File transfer – Provides the interface to transfer files and folders between your local computer and the customer you are supporting (the Remote Computer).  Select the file(s) or folder(s) you wish to transfer from either the Local or Remote Computer window pane by selecting the file(s) or folder(s) icon, and then drag and drop to the appropriate folder of either the Local or Remote Computer. You can select one or more files in the same folder.  You can also delete file(s) and folder(s) or create new folders on either of the two computers.

Branding (banner, photo, etc.) -A wide range of customization options including customizing your banner, agents’ photos, etc. on the support session page are available in I’m OnCall.

End-of-session survey – At your option, I’m OnCall can conduct a Customer Satisfaction Survey for you after each Live-Chat session.  Information such as speed, knowledge, politeness, communication, effectiveness, and whether issues have been resolved can be collected.  You can effectively use these statistics to measure performance of your agents.

Detailed support log and history – Under the History tab, you can view all your closed Incidents or establish some search criteria. Create your search criteria and click “Search”.  All filtered records will be displayed. This is very useful when you need to create reports on the remote control activity services that you have provided to a particular customer.

Shareable license – All you will be paying is a low monthly/annual connection license fee. There is no limit on the number of agents you can set up to share the licenses as long as the simultaneous connections do not exceed the number of licenses subscribed.

Central administration – After logging into your I’m OnCall account you will see the Menu tabs located at the top of each screen. The menu tabs allow you to navigate I’m OnCall easily and are presented based on your assigned user privileges. This gives you a centralized view of all the settings and features of I`m OnCall.


In summary, the free version benefits those who want a quick basic remote control session, with any details or added features. But for those who require more features with detailed tracking and then the paid version is the way to go. Either way, I`m OnCall provides an excellent support solution for any level of user.

More Than a Tool for Technical Support

Imagine having a single tool for your business that can handle your Technical Support, your Pre-Sales, and your General Customer Service enquiries. I’m OnCall is a very cost-effective tool that lets your business provide a centralized access point on its web site for customers to get help. It will ease tracking and communication between different departments and clients. Its newly implemented “Live Chat” and “Queuing” features will give customers a pathway to communicate with your company other than the phone.

Live Chat

The Live Chat feature of I’m OnCall can essentially eliminate your customer service phone lines. Customers can submit live chat requests by clicking the Live-Chat button on your web site which is embedded with an URL given by I’m OnCall.  Your agents simply pick up requests and perform real-time live chat with the customers via the Internet.  Customers may leave call-back requests if the queue is busy.

Queue Management

You can customize up to 3 URLs to embed into your web site to provide Live-Chat support to your customers.  For example, you may create a “Live-Chat (Pre-sales)” button, a “Live-Chat (After-sales)” button and a “Customer Service” button.  Each button embeds a different URL.  Different Live-Chat buttons will submit live-chat requests to a different queue.  You can assign different Agents to service different queues which is similar to how you would direct calls to different departments in a traditional phone support system.

Each queue can be configured differently to allow customers to submit a Live-Chat request to a particular Agent ID# (similar to entering an extension # in a traditional phone support system) or just submit a request for the next available Agent without specifying any Agent ID#.  (Please refer to the “Users Tab” section for details about configuring the Chat ID# for the Agents.)

You can configure the Greeting Message, the Disabled Message, and the Office-closed Message for each Live-Chat queue.  The Office-closed Message will be shown according to the Office Hour Settings.  You can also enter your greeting messages manually.

As you can see, I’m OnCall is a tool that not just works for Technical Support.  It is useful for other departments which need to deal with customers as well.  Keeping everything centralized will streamline your staff management, improve overall productivity and help you to provide good customer service.

I'm OnCall

Benefits of Help Desk Software

For those consultants and IT help pros who support multiple clients, not only can the standard model of on-site visits get tiresome, but it can be expensive and inefficient. That is why adding remote support to your service options can be a real boon to your business. Your clients will appreciate the timeliness and savings provided by this option. You will find the convenience brings a bit of sanity back into your work day too. I’m OnCall is a cost-effective, secure online help desk software which allows organizations to offer remote support over the Internet to their customers.

I’m OnCall helps improving your customer satisfaction ratings and competitive edges. You can expedite the time it takes to resolve a problem with our remote support technology while reducing your overall service cost.

Main Benefits of I’m OnCall

Remote Control – With the customer’s permission, a temporary remote control session is established with his/her computer. Any technical issue can be resolved with ease.

Live Chat – I’m OnCall gives you 3 customizable URLs for embedding into your web site. You can then easily implement a Live-Chat customer service feature on your web site within minutes. One agent can simultaneously chat with multiple customers to facilitate busy “call” volume. Not only that it is impossible to achieve with the traditional phone system, it can actually save cost by eliminating the need of installing numerous physical phone lines.

Customization – Enhance your professional image and branding with a customized banner on the support session page. It can include your company logo, slogan, agents’ photos, etc.

Incident Tracking – Your agents or service representatives will benefit from the incident logs. They will help your company to provide better service to your customers.

Customer Rating - An automatic post-session survey can be conducted to measure customer’s rating on the support service they have just received.


Working remotely sure makes the job easier in many ways. If you are planning to add remote support services to your organization, give I’m OnCall a try!!!