Category Archives: IronCAP


Could RSA be cracked in 2025? – it looks like a strong possibility!

An interesting prediction has come to our attention – the RSA encryption algorithm may be cracked in 2025, which is just around the corner.

Although 2025 is an indirect conclusion (if you ask ChatGPT how many qubits are required to crack RSA the answer comes back as 4000 and IBM’s development roadmap of 4000 qubit being sometimes 2025) the implications of such an event are significant, and it’s crucial to explore potential solutions to ensure the security of our digital world.

While this prediction may not be set in stone, it’s worth contemplating the possibilities and considering the measures we can take to protect our sensitive information. That’s where IronCAP™ comes into play. IronCAP™ is a cutting-edge, patent-protected, post-quantum cryptographic system that utilizes not only Post-quantum Cryptographic algorithms approved by NIST but also Goppa Code-based technology predicted to be included into the final approval list of NIST later in 2024.

What sets IronCAP™ apart is its proprietary subclass of (L,G), which not only enhances security but also provides faster cryptographic operations, including key generation, encryption, and decryption. These advancements make IronCAP™ a compelling solution for safeguarding our data in a post-quantum era.

Designed to withstand the threats posed by quantum computers, IronCAP™ offers robust post-quantum encryption that can protect our digital communications and sensitive information. With the potential cracking of RSA on the horizon, IronCAP™ presents itself as a powerful tool to maintain the integrity of our online transactions and secure our personal data.

To demonstrate the strength of IronCAP™ post-quantum encryption, we are proud to offer a live demonstration for the general public. This opportunity allows individuals to experience firsthand the capabilities of IronCAP™ and witness its effectiveness in protecting information from potential threats.

Find out more …

As we navigate the uncertainties of the future, it’s essential to stay informed and proactive in our approach to cybersecurity. IronCAP™ represents a significant step forward in ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of our digital world. So, let’s embrace the possibilities offered by post-quantum encryption and explore the future of cybersecurity with IronCAP™ as our steadfast companion.

Together, let us forge a path towards a more secure digital landscape, one where our information remains protected even in the face of emerging threats. Join us in this journey, and let your voice be heard as we navigate the ever-changing landscape of cybersecurity. Together, we can build a safer future.

With the world’s fastest supercomputers, it would take around 300 trillion years to break the 2048-bit RSA encryption. A quantum computer would be finished with a similar task in merely eight hours!

You need to act now!

We at IronCAP™ have been trying to educate businesses and individuals that Q-day (the day the first quantum hack is publicly recognized) is around the corner and everybody needs to gear up. Nation states and governments are already at it, how about you? To learn more, visit

IronCAP™ is our latest innovation for the post-quantum cybersecurity. This patent-protected, post-quantum cryptographic system is based on the Goppa Code-based cryptographic technology. It has embedded our proprietary subclass of (L, G) making it not only more secured but also has faster cryptographic operations (key generation, encryption, decryption) than the traditional Goppa Code-based technology (McEliece). We are offering a live demonstration for the general public to try and experience the strength of IronCAP™ post-quantum encryption easily. To learn more, visit


Safeguarding AI: The Imperative for Quantum-Safe Encrypted Machine Learning

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, machine learning (ML) algorithms have become indispensable tools, shaping how organizations derive insights and make informed decisions. However, a critical concern persists – the lack of encryption in conventional ML algorithms poses serious privacy and security risks.

Unencrypted ML Algorithms: A Privacy Dilemma

It’s crucial to acknowledge that as of today, most ML algorithms operate in an unencrypted environment. This means that queries, results, and, significantly, the knowledge acquired during the learning process are left exposed. In essence, the crown jewel of organizations in the post-AI world – knowledge, including sensitive customer behavior data – remains vulnerable to exploitation.

Privacy Issues in Unencrypted Queries and Results

The unencrypted nature of queries and results in ML processes leads to severe privacy implications. Imagine a scenario where customer data, financial transactions, or strategic business insights are laid bare during communication between different components of an ML system. This lack of encryption opens the door to eavesdropping and interception, putting sensitive information at risk.

The Exposure of Knowledge: A Prime Target for Hackers

In the era where knowledge is power, the exposure of unencrypted ML knowledge becomes a prime target for hackers. Customer behavior patterns, proprietary algorithms, and other valuable insights acquired through ML processes become the coveted assets that malicious actors seek to exploit. The stakes are high, as organizations risk losing their competitive edge and compromising customer trust.

Quantum-Safe Encryption: The Path to Security

Amidst these challenges, there’s a ray of hope – the realization that we can create ML processes that are quantum-safe encrypted. By adopting our quantum-safe cryptographic techniques, organizations can fortify their ML algorithms against the looming threat of quantum computers, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of their sensitive information.

Conclusion: Navigating the Quantum-Safe Future

In the race to unlock the full potential of machine learning, securing the knowledge acquired is paramount. As we step into the post-AI world, where data is king, adopting quantum-safe encrypted ML processes becomes not just a necessity but a strategic imperative. By fortifying our algorithms against emerging threats, we can usher in an era where innovation thrives, and organizations confidently harness the power of AI without compromising on security.

Remember, the journey towards quantum-safe encrypted ML is a dynamic one, requiring ongoing vigilance and adaptation to stay ahead in the ever-changing landscape of technology and security.

You need to act now!

We at IronCAP™ have been trying to educate businesses and individuals that Q-day (the day the first quantum hack is publicly recognized) is around the corner and everybody needs to gear up. Nation states and governments are already at it, how about you? To learn more, visit

IronCAP™ is our latest innovation for the post-quantum cybersecurity. This patent-protected, post-quantum cryptographic system is based on the Goppa Code-based cryptographic technology. It has embedded our proprietary subclass of (L, G) making it not only more secured but also has faster cryptographic operations (key generation, encryption, decryption) than the traditional Goppa Code-based technology (McEliece). We are offering a live demonstration for the general public to try and experience the strength of IronCAP™ post-quantum encryption easily. To learn more, visit

Quantum-1 (Mar 28 2023)

IBM’s Quantum Breakthrough: Condor and a Shift Towards Error-Resistant Computing

While this breakthrough represents a significant leap forward in computational power, it also poses challenges for traditional cryptographic systems – but don’t worry has it covered!


IBM has reached a groundbreaking milestone in quantum computing with Condor, a quantum processor housing over 1,000 qubits. While this achievement represents a leap in computational power, IBM is also strategically shifting its focus to prioritize error resistance in quantum machines.

Condor’s Quantum Leap:

Unveiled on December 4th, Condor boasts 1,121 superconducting qubits arranged in a distinctive honeycomb pattern. This quantum processor builds on IBM’s previous achievements with machines like Eagle (127 qubits) and Osprey (433 qubits), tapping into quantum phenomena for unprecedented computational capabilities.

Addressing Quantum Errors:

Despite their potential, quantum states are delicate and prone to errors. IBM’s roadmap, which previously doubled qubit numbers annually, is now emphasizing the critical need for error correction in quantum computing. Introducing Heron, a chip with 133 qubits and a record-low error rate, IBM signals a commitment to overcoming quantum errors.

The Promise of qLDPC:

IBM researchers are exploring quantum low-density parity check (qLDPC) as an alternative error-correction scheme. This method aims to significantly reduce error rates, potentially allowing logical qubits to be created with fewer physical qubits. While optimism surrounds this approach, practical implementation with superconducting qubits remains a complex challenge.

Connectivity Challenges and Solutions:

Implementing qLDPC requires each qubit to be directly connected to at least six others, a challenge for traditional superconducting chips with fewer connections. IBM’s solution involves modifying the chip design to facilitate the additional connections required by the qLDPC scheme.

A New Quantum Roadmap:

IBM’s updated roadmap outlines a focus on achieving practical computations, such as simulating catalyst molecules, by the end of the decade. Despite acknowledged challenges, IBM Quantum’s Chief Technology Officer, Oliver Dial, expresses optimism about tangible progress towards realizing practical quantum computing.


IBM’s Condor represents a significant stride in quantum computing, surpassing the 1,000 qubit milestone. The strategic shift towards error-resistant computing, coupled with innovations like Heron and exploration of qLDPC, signifies a maturation in quantum research. As IBM charts the course for practical quantum computations within the decade, the vision of quantum supremacy moves one step closer to reality.

IronCAP™ has an answer!

This significant milestone is a loud wakeup call to Q-Day – there is no time to wait! Organizations, especially those dealing with sensitive data and communications, should be proactive in adopting quantum-resistant encryption methods to safeguard their information against the potential threats posed by quantum computing advancements.

To learn more, visit

You need to act now!

We at IronCAP™ have been trying to educate businesses and individuals that Q-day (the day the first quantum hack is publicly recognized) is around the corner and everybody needs to gear up. Nation states and governments are already at it, how about you? To learn more, visit

IronCAP™ is our latest innovation for the post-quantum cybersecurity. This patent-protected, post-quantum cryptographic system is based on the Goppa Code-based cryptographic technology. It has embedded our proprietary subclass of (L, G) making it not only more secured but also has faster cryptographic operations (key generation, encryption, decryption) than the traditional Goppa Code-based technology (McEliece). We are offering a live demonstration for the general public to try and experience the strength of IronCAP™ post-quantum encryption easily. To learn more, visit


The Looming Threat of Quantum Computers to Cybersecurity

Quantum computers have long seemed like a far-off technology of the future. But recent advances are bringing them closer to reality, posing a potentially catastrophic threat to cybersecurity.

According to a recent New York Times article, experts warn that powerful quantum computers could one day unravel the encryption that currently protects sensitive data and communications.

This could happen through quantum computers’ unparalleled ability to factor large numbers – a mathematical feat that conventional computers cannot achieve. Modern encryption relies on the extreme difficulty of factoring large prime numbers. But quantum computers could theoretically factor these numbers rapidly, allowing them to decrypt even the strongest encryption keys used today.

While truly capable quantum computers may still be years or decades away, their emergence could completely upend modern cryptography and security protocols. As the article describes, this could expose military secrets, financial data, infrastructure controls, and years’ worth of encrypted information harvested now by adversaries. According to US government officials and security experts, China, Russia and other nations are aggressively pursuing quantum computing research for this very purpose.

Quantum computing may seem like a distant threat, but experts urge treating it with utmost seriousness. Former NSA general counsel Glenn Gerstell calls it a “completely different kind of problem” that we’ve never faced before. While the likelihood of a encryption-breaking quantum computer materializing soon is under 1%, a catastrophe from such an invention could be devastating.

With so much at stake, the race is on between the US and its rivals to achieve quantum advantage first. But the gains are largely opaque due to secrecy surrounding quantum projects. For now, all we know is that quantum computing promises tremendous benefits as well as unprecedented threats to security if achieved recklessly or weaponized by malicious actors. More open collaboration and wise governance of this technology will be critical in coming years to manage the monumental risks.

The quantum era inches closer each day. We must take steps now to prevent an encryption apocalypse while harnessing quantum’s positives for society. The fate of modern security could hang in the balance.

You need to act now!

We at IronCAP™ have been trying to educate businesses and individuals that Q-day (the day the first quantum hack is publicly recognized) is around the corner and everybody needs to gear up. Nation states and governments are already at it, how about you? To learn more, visit

IronCAP™ is our latest innovation for the post-quantum cybersecurity. This patent-protected, post-quantum cryptographic system is based on the Goppa Code-based cryptographic technology. It has embedded our proprietary subclass of (L, G) making it not only more secured but also has faster cryptographic operations (key generation, encryption, decryption) than the traditional Goppa Code-based technology (McEliece). We are offering a live demonstration for the general public to try and experience the strength of IronCAP™ post-quantum encryption easily. To learn more, visit


Prepare Now for the Quantum Computing Revolution

Prepare Now for the Quantum Computing Revolution

The events of September 11, 2001 taught many lessons about disaster preparedness and business continuity planning. One story that illustrates this well involves Morgan Stanley and their empty office space in New Jersey.

In the months leading up to 9/11, Morgan Stanley had set up a fully functioning office space in New Jersey, complete with technology infrastructure and workstations. Yet this office sat entirely unused each day, serving no immediate purpose.

That is until the Twin Towers fell. When Morgan Stanley’s main offices were destroyed, they were able to quickly reroute operations through the New Jersey office. Within just three days, their systems were back online with minimal disruption to the business.

This was only possible because of Morgan Stanley’s foresight in developing a backup plan for an unknown potential crisis. The unused office space was an investment in preparedness for the unexpected.

Today’s businesses face a looming technological crisis in the rise of quantum computing. Though still years away, quantum computers threaten to upend cybersecurity by rendering current encryption methods obsolete. Organizations need to start preparing now for this disruption to avoid being caught off guard.

Just like Morgan Stanley’s unused office space, adopting new quantum-safe encryption like IronCAP requires investment even before the threat materializes. But this upfront cost pales in comparison to the massive impacts on business operations if quantum computers emerge without adequate security preparations in place.

The events of 9/11 demonstrated the critical need for contingency planning and getting ahead of future risks. Companies that want to withstand the next technological shift would be wise to heed this lesson. By taking action now, they can maintain continuity when the landscape inevitably evolves. Don’t wait for quantum computers to arrive to prepare – the time is now.

You need to act now!

We at IronCAP™ have been trying to educate businesses and individuals that Q-day (the day the first quantum hack is publicly recognized) is around the corner and everybody needs to gear up. Nation states and governments are already at it, how about you? To learn more, visit

IronCAP™ is our latest innovation for the post-quantum cybersecurity. This patent-protected, post-quantum cryptographic system is based on the Goppa Code-based cryptographic technology. It has embedded our proprietary subclass of (L, G) making it not only more secured but also has faster cryptographic operations (key generation, encryption, decryption) than the traditional Goppa Code-based technology (McEliece). We are offering a live demonstration for the general public to try and experience the strength of IronCAP™ post-quantum encryption easily. To learn more, visit

Post-Quantum #Cryptography for #Thales Luna HSM’s

01 Communique Laboratory Inc. has partnered with The Thales Group

Thales Group is a Paris based trusted global technology leader and will integrate IronCAP™ post-quantum cryptography (“PQC”) with Thales Luna HSMs (“Hardware Security Modules”) – providing military grade protection for users’ data and critical applications.

This partnership is designed to develop joint-market quantum-safe cybersecurity solutions. These solutions will be for global businesses, organizations and governments, and will ensure cyber resilience in the post quantum environment.

Thales Luna HSM customers can now add IronCAP™ FM (“Functional Module”) making PQC functionality seamless while conforming with the latest standards set by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (“NIST”).

Quoting Andrew Cheung, CEO of 01 Communique, “PQC systems are essential to protect sensitive data and critical applications from sophisticated attacks; now that Quantum Computers increase the threat. Integration of IronCAP™ with Thales Luna HSMs provide users with an extra layer of security to protect them. Our goal is to partner with Thales, to market the world’s best PQC solutions to enterprises and governments throughout the world – and ensure their clients data and applications are secure.”

“Thales is a trusted global leader in this field with a massive global footprint and their choice of IronCAP speaks to our best-in-class research and execution. This is a game changer both for 01 and the industry as a whole. The birth of a quantum-safe HSM!”, added Andrew Cheung. “It’s vital that businesses understand that many of today’s encryption standards are not fit for a quantum world. Hackers know quantum is coming and are actively working to steal data now so they can access it in the future, and large and multi-national organisations are most at risk due to compliance and privacy mandates. To protect their data in a Zero Trust world, organisations must embrace a strong Post Quantum crypto-agility strategy that looks beyond algorithms, to hybrid solutions that provide future protection today,” said Todd Moore, Vice President, Encryption Products at Thales.

About 01 Communique

01 Communique (TSX-V: ONE; OTCQB: OONEF) is one of the first-to-market, enterprise level cybersecurity providers for the quantum computing era. Its IronCAP™ technology, protected in the U.S.A. by its patent #11,271,715, is a cryptographic system incorporating advanced post-quantum cryptographic technology that can be implemented on classical computer systems as we know them today while at the same time can also safeguard against attacks in the post-quantum world of computing. The Company’s remote access business unit provides its customers with a suite of secure remote access services and products under its I’m InTouch and I’m OnCall product offerings. The remote access offerings are protected in the U.S.A. by its patents #6,928,479 / #6,938,076 / #8,234,701; in Canada by its patents #2,309,398 / #2,524,039 and in Japan by its patent #4,875,094. For more information, visit the Company’s web site at and .

You need to act now!

We at IronCAP™ have been trying to educate businesses and individuals that Q-day (the day the first quantum hack is publicly recognized) is around the corner and everybody needs to gear up. Nation states and governments are already at it, how about you? To learn more, visit

IronCAP™ is our latest innovation for the post-quantum cybersecurity. This patent-protected, post-quantum cryptographic system is based on the Goppa Code-based cryptographic technology. It has embedded our proprietary subclass of (L, G) making it not only more secured but also has faster cryptographic operations (key generation, encryption, decryption) than the traditional Goppa Code-based technology (McEliece). We are offering a live demonstration for the general public to try and experience the strength of IronCAP™ post-quantum encryption easily. To learn more, visit

Is the #RSA public-key #encryption system in danger?

Can you break the RSA public-key encryption system using a quantum computer – Yes!

Researchers in China say they have reached a breakthrough in quantum computing. They claim that they have worked out how they can break the RSA public-key encryption system using a quantum computer. They used a quantum computer that  that will soon be publicly available!

Breaking 2048-bit RSA would be extremely significant. Although the RSA algorithm itself has largely been replaced in consumer-facing protocols, such as Transport Layer Security, it is still widely used in older enterprise and operational technology software and in many code-signing certificates. If a malicious adversary were able to generate these signing keys or decrypt the messages protected by RSA then that adversary would be able to snoop on internet traffic as well as potentially pass off malicious code as if it were a legitimate software update, potentially enabling them to seize control of third-party devices.

In a white paper published by the U.K.’s National Cyber Security Centre in November 2020, experts warned that because almost all of today’s widely-used public-key cryptography systems depend for their security on the difficulty of factoring very large numbers, they would be easy to crack with a large-enough general purpose quantum computer.

You need to act now!

We at IronCAP™ have been trying to educate businesses and individuals that Q-day (the day the first quantum hack is publicly recognized) is around the corner and everybody needs to gear up. Nation states and governments are already at it, how about you? To learn more, visit

IronCAP™ is our latest innovation for the post-quantum cybersecurity. This patent-protected, post-quantum cryptographic system is based on the Goppa Code-based cryptographic technology. It has embedded our proprietary subclass of (L, G) making it not only more secured but also has faster cryptographic operations (key generation, encryption, decryption) than the traditional Goppa Code-based technology (McEliece). We are offering a live demonstration for the general public to try and experience the strength of IronCAP™ post-quantum encryption easily. To learn more, visit

Why your #business needs to partner with #IronCAP

We can help vendors to become the First Movers of their respective solutions for the quantum computing era.

Combining many years of proven expertise in the field, IronCAP™‘s crypto-scientists have created an encryption technology that’s not only quantum-safe but also more efficient and safer than existing cryptography. It is built on the longest time-tested (almost 50 years) Goppa code-based theory recognized by the world of post-quantum cryptography. IronCAP™ has been endorsed by industry experts and proven “un-hackable” in multiple global hackathons.

IronCAP™‘s patent-protected post-quantum cryptography is designed to be used in all kinds of vertical solutions such as digital identity, email/file encryption, remote access/VPN, cloud storage, 5G/IoT, blockchains, financial transactions, etc. IronCAP™ lets you stay ahead of cyber threats today and in the quantum computing era.

To empower vendors to transform their applications or systems seamlessly to quantum-safe, IronCAP™ has developed an API that’s compliant with the PKCS#11 and OpenPGP (RfC4880) industry standard. It is available for all major operating systems: Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS, Linux, Android and Apple iOS.

Utilizing the IronCAP™ Toolkits, we have developed the industry’s first quantum-safe email encryption software, IronCAP X™ that everyone can use today on their classical computers. Besides setting a precedent for developing a practical solution using IronCAP™‘s post-quantum cryptography, we can also help vendors to become the First Movers of their respective solutions for the quantum computing era.

You need to act now!

We at IronCAP™ have been trying to educate businesses and individuals that Q-day (the day the first quantum hack is publicly recognized) is around the corner and everybody needs to gear up. Nation states and governments are already at it, how about you? To learn more, visit

IronCAP™ is our latest innovation for the post-quantum cybersecurity. This patent-protected, post-quantum cryptographic system is based on the Goppa Code-based cryptographic technology. It has embedded our proprietary subclass of (L, G) making it not only more secured but also has faster cryptographic operations (key generation, encryption, decryption) than the traditional Goppa Code-based technology (McEliece). We are offering a live demonstration for the general public to try and experience the strength of IronCAP™ post-quantum encryption easily. To learn more, visit

How does #IronCAP™ Work?

IronCAP™ is a patent-protected cryptographic system that is safe against the excessive computational power of quantum computers.

By introducing sophisticated linear codes and error syndromes into your data, our technology confuses even quantum computers and prevents any of your information to be compromised.

Our IronCAP™ Toolkits can be used by vendors, for example, to build highly secure systems for data storage, remote access, encryption, digital signing, etc. Our cryptographic system can protect our customers against ever-evolving illegitimate and malicious means of gaining access to their data not only today but also safe against future attacks from quantum computers. To ensure seamless integration, our IronCAP™ Toolkits is compliant with the PKCS#11 and OpenPGP (RFC4880) industry standards.

IronCAP™ Post-Quantum Cryptography can be used to encrypt emails so that only the intended recipient can read them. It can also be used to provide quantum-safe file encryption for sensitive files such as personal finances and confidential documents. Vulnerability of web site identification and channel privacy today and in the post-quantum world can be plugged by using IronCAP™ to encrypt their channel session keys.

IronCAP™, our latest development, is a patent-protected cryptography system designed to operate on conventional computer systems as we know them today while at the same time be secure enough to safeguard against future attacks from the world of quantum computers. Examples of vertical applications are email/file encryption, digital signatures, blockchain security, remote access/VPN, password management, credit card security, cloud storage, artificial intelligence, IoT (5G), and website security.

You need to act now!

We at IronCAP™ have been trying to educate businesses and individuals that Q-day (the day the first quantum hack is publicly recognized) is around the corner and everybody needs to gear up. Nation states and governments are already at it, how about you? To learn more, visit

IronCAP™ is our latest innovation for the post-quantum cybersecurity. This patent-protected, post-quantum cryptographic system is based on the Goppa Code-based cryptographic technology. It has embedded our proprietary subclass of (L, G) making it not only more secured but also has faster cryptographic operations (key generation, encryption, decryption) than the traditional Goppa Code-based technology (McEliece). We are offering a live demonstration for the general public to try and experience the strength of IronCAP™ post-quantum encryption easily. To learn more, visit