Monthly Archives: August 2021

IronCAP™ is your Post-Quantum Encryption Solution

Cryptographic technologies are utilized by all industries and government bodies to verify the source and protect the data that they store. With the rapid advancement in quantum computing, we should be aware that our widely deployed cryptographic algorithms that are used to protect our data privacy and communications today will be threatened.  It’s anticipated that a quantum hack is around the corner if not here already.  Business leaders and government officials need to understand the risks and damages associated with quantum hacks and act NOW!  Cryptographic algorithm transitions take time and involve massive coordination effort across many stakeholders in different industries. By preparing now and adopting post-quantum cryptography solutions like IronCAP™ can ensure a more orderly, less costly, and modestly disruptive changeover.

IronCAP™ is designed to operate on conventional computers.  It is built on the longest time-tested Goppa code-based theory recognized by the world of post-quantum cryptography study field.  By introducing sophisticated linear codes and error syndromes into your data, our cryptography confuses even quantum computers and prevents any of your information from being compromised.  Hence IronCAP™ can safeguard against cyberattacks from today’s classical computers as well as quantum computers.

IronCAP™’s post-quantum cryptography can be used in all kinds of vertical solutions such as digital identity, email/file encryption, remote access/VPN, cloud storage, 5G/IoT, blockchains, financial transactions, etc. The IronCAP™ API is compliant with the PKCS#11 and OpenPGP (RFC4880) industry standards, allowing vendors to transform their applications or systems seamlessly to quantum-safe.

Protect your data in motion, at rest and in use with IronCAP™ today and in the quantum computing era.  To learn more, visit

Quantum Hacks could be the “Cyber Pearl Harbor”

It’s a known fact that quantum computers are here and readily available for anybody to use. You read that right!  Back in 2019, IBM had already unveiled their first commercial quantum computer.  In the same year, Google claimed quantum supremacy, and even Amazon offered their quantum computers for the public to use via their cloud service BRAKET.  In the summer of 2020, Honeywell announced that their quantum computers were superior to IBM’s and Google’s.  They also claimed they would increase their quantum volume 10X each year.  In December 2020, China’s University of Science and Technology announced their version of quantum computers claiming a million times faster than IBM’s and Google’s.  It’s evident that the global quantum computing race has begun some time ago already.

All of the above is just information available to the open world.  We have no idea what the closed world (i.e. national level) entails. Every day we hear news on cyberattacks at companies or government agencies that seemed unreachable before.  A quantum hack could have very well arrived quietly.  What do you think about the SolarWinds hack? The ransomware attack on the US JBS meat processing company and the Colonial Pipeline? The list goes on. Still got doubts? Here are what industry experts said at our latest quantum-safe readiness webinar.

Florin A. F., Director of CGI Innovation Center Montreal said, “…We think quantum computing is in the future and is a future risk. The reality is that every and each document that is stored today somewhere on a system for a financial institution is actually a potential document that is under attack…”

Asif Qayyum, Managing Director, Digital Security Risk & Controls at PwC Canada said, “…However one thing is for sure that everyone is realizing that the Q-day might have already occurred …..and because a breach that could have happened or a database which is encrypted but lying somewhere there, as soon as that readiness or availability of technology comes into the hand of these adversarial players that is going to explode multi-fold…”

These are just a little excerpt from the valuable insight these leaders provided at the webinar. You can watch the complete webinar here:

It’s believed that quantum hacking is approaching fast. This will render all the current encryptions vulnerable and hence make internet data, banking transactions, emails and etc. defenseless. We CANNOT emphasize enough on the urgency to upgrade the entire digital world to become quantum-safe.

Let’s not forget the ransom demands are a very small fraction of the total damage caused by these cyberattacks. Business shut downs, loss of invaluable data, the PR costs and credibility damage can be hundred times more than the ransom price tag.  And IronCAPTM, the world’s first commercially available quantum-safe encryption solution can safeguard you from cyberattacks today and in the quantum future.  Don’t let quantum hacks become the cyber Pearl Harbor.  All business leaders and government officials should act now.  To learn more, visit

Combat Ransomware Attacks with IronCAP X™

Cyber extortions are crippling critical infrastructures, healthcare systems, government agencies and businesses around the world. In 2021 alone we saw some large-scale scum hacks and ransomware attacks. In early May Colonial Pipeline paid $5 million to the DarkSide ransomware gang and in June, the meat processor JBS paid $11 million to the Russia-based REvil gang. Hackers are using simple phishing tools, making you believe it is a legitimate email, to gain access to your sensitive information.

Top US officials have recently ranked ransomware attack as a national security threat. According to The New York Times, President Biden put this issue at the top of his agenda for his June meeting with Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, and had given him forceful warnings for his inaction against those ransomware operators tied to Russia.  President Biden had also requested his lawmakers to work on several bills that would, among other things, require a wide range of companies including critical infrastructure operators to report attacks to the government.

The F.B.I. Internet Crime Report for 2020 listed 2,474 cyberattacks in the United States, with losses totaling more than $29.1 million. The reality is probably of a much greater magnitude. The German data-crunching firm Statista has estimated that there were 304 million cyberattacks worldwide in 2020, a 62% increase over 2019.

It’s clear that the ransomware attack problem cannot be practically solved by employee training, zero trust practices or installing antivirus software and other patches. Current ransomware prevention solutions are just like a band aid. Education may help a little bit. Only an email tool like IronCAP XTM with comprehensive, quantum-safe end-to-end encryption and digital signatures will protect you against phishing today and in the fast approaching quantum computing era.  IronCAP XTM is your “shovel ready”, low-cost solution that can fully protect your data a 100% of the time.

New York Times