I’m InTouch GoMail is a revolutionary app that can mobilize your Outlook. It has the following killer features that your built-in Mail app lacks:
- Compose emails with attachments from your computer’s local/network drives
- Save inbound attachments onto your computer’s local/network drives
- Notifications for emails received from selected senders or you can opt for “All”
If you have an office environment whereby your Exchange server is managed by a service provider (e.g. your Outlook is a POP/SMTP client or Exchange Online client), you will have the following additional advantages by using I’m InTouch GoMail:
- Everything you compose remotely using I’m InTouch GoMail will automatically be recorded in your Outlook’s Sent Items. No more synchronization is necessary.
- You can have greater security and privacy by keeping all your emails on your Outlook instead of leaving them on your provider’s server for mobile access.
- You do not need to pay your provider any email storage fee.