Swift Transformation In CyberSecurity Priorities

According to McKinsey’s recent report cybersecurity technology is working to support current business needs: business continuity, remote work, and planning for transition to the next normal.

In these challenging times cybersecurity organizations are struggling to help support businesses; companies have adopted new strategies to keep up with customer’s shifting needs and to establish new ways of doing business. The bigger challenge will be to succeed in the post-COVID-19 era, wherein providers need to adopt new strategies to fit the new security landscape.

Currently companies turn to using VPN but this comes with its weaknesses, a VPN establishes too much trust between the remote user and the corporate network allowing bad actors to gain access to the entire corporate network. Recent reports show spiking threat levels in spear-phishing attacks, including a near-sevenfold increase since the start of the pandemic.

In the post-COVID era cybersecurity will need to fulfill two criteria’s, bulletproof encryption and affordable pricing. IronCAP has both, it is cost-effective and provides a solid encryption with its unique cryptographic technology. The idea at IronCAP is to make it easy for businesses to protect their data and seamlessly integrate our new technology, bonus it is also quantum-safe.
Read more: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/risk/our-insights/covid-19-crisis-shifts-cybersecurity-priorities-and-budgets#