Data loss should worry investors

Cyberattacks are not new to our world but disturbingly they have skyrocketed in the last year. To a certain extent, COVID-19 has forced everybody to work remotely and hence exposed the vulnerabilities of our existing security systems which resulted in heavy data plus financial losses. The damages that cyberattacks can do to a company have awaken investors. They realize the value of good cybersecurity and want companies to make it their top priority. This is no longer just a tech department issue. Investors need to demand companies to adopt the best cybersecurity solutions.

A company’s future can be evaluated on the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) factors. These factors help to measure the sustainability as well as better predict the financial performance of a company.

In the past year cybersecurity threats have brought social and governance chaos around the globe. In fact, reports from McAfee suggested that cyberattacks could cost the global economy around USD 400 billion annually. This data should have alerted CEOs, policymakers and investors to put cybersecurity as their top priority. Let me explain why cyberattacks are a significant risk factor that investors should consider:

1. A cyberattack leads to significant amount of data loss or files corrupted which disrupts day-to-day functions of a business.

2. A company that suffers a cyberattack will likely have its customer data compromised leading to the downgrade or total loss of customer trust.

3. With constant regulatory changes, a company could be subjected to heavy lawsuits.

We believe it is crucial that an investor be fully aware of these risks and be involved in ways to mitigate them.

Having foreseen this catastrophic problem, IronCAP has built the perfect solution to prevent cyberattacks today and in the quantum future. IronCAP’s unique, patent-pending cryptography is based on the 40-year-old, time tested Goppa code-based system. With an improvement in the cryptographic process, IronCAP is faster and most importantly, quantum-safe. It can be used to secure email/file encryption, blockchain, 5G/IoT, remote access/VPN, cloud storage and many other verticals. IronCAP’s cryptography will safeguard your data today and in the quantum future.

The future of your company is in your hands. Adopt the same solution – IronCAP – as top cyber consultants NOW. Learn more:

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