Cybersecurity is critical to an organization’s digital health and resilience. A vast majority of organizations around the globe rely heavily on digital technologies to function daily. Consciously or unconsciously, we allow our data to be digitized and stored. We are sharing all kinds of data online, be it a friendly invite, financial data or corporate contracts. 01 Communique has taken another step forward, partnering with Thales, a trusted global technology leader to provide quantum-safe cryptographic solutions to help businesses and government agencies achieve cyber resilience. IronCAP™ will work closely with Thales to integrate and ensure compatibility with Thales’ Luna HSM solutions as well as joint-marketing the solutions. For more information about the partnership:
Research suggests in 2021, approximately 281.5 million people have been affected by a data breach and there were 160 million victims in the third quarter alone compared to 121 million victims in the first and second quarters. That’s not all. 60% of the U.S. information security professionals say ransomware is as serious as terrorism. According to Cybersecurity Ventures, by the end of 2021, it was estimated that an organization will be hit with a ransomware attack in every 11 seconds. Every 11 seconds…that’s something to really think about.
Whether you are a cybersecurity geek or not, you likely have heard about the various quantum advancements in 2020 and 2021. The rapid acceleration of quantum computing advancements threaten our current encryption algorithms. It’s a known fact that early-stage quantum computers are here and readily available for anybody to use. You read that right! Back in 2019, IBM had already unveiled their first commercial quantum computer. In 2021 IBM delivered its 127 qubit Eagle processor, and declared that by 2023 it would be able to deliver a “quantum advantage.” Even Amazon offered their quantum computers for the public to use via their cloud service BRAKET. In the summer of 2020, Honeywell announced that their quantum computers were superior to IBM’s and Google’s. They also claimed they would increase their quantum volume 10X each year, and are sure trying to deliver. In 2021 Honeywell Quantum Solutions and Cambridge Quantum achieved a quantum volume of 1,024 and demonstrated real-time error correction, to a breakthrough algorithm that enables quantum machines to do more significant calculations with fewer qubits. It’s evident that the global quantum computing race has begun some time ago already and is advancing rapidly.
Unlike hardware, data cannot be replaced when encryption goes obsolete. Data lives on for years, if not for decades. As such we cannot simply address encryption algorithm obsolescence overnight. Asif Qayyum, Managing Director, Digital Security Risk & Controls at PwC Canada said that the industry is aware Q-Day is arriving if not already arrived. We need to prepare now because once the adversarial players crack the current encryption, it will be catastrophic. Here is a link to his full video:
This is why we’ve built IronCAP™, the solution to combat this threat. IronCAP™ is the first-to-market a quantum-safe encryption solution, that is proven secure and readily available today. And together with Thales we are confident we can reach a wider audience of businesses, organizations and government agencies, providing them with quantum-safe solutions that can help them to achieve cyber resilience.
Becoming quantum-safe 1-year-too-early or 1-year-too-late is everything. Join top cybersecurity professionals to become quantum-safe with IronCAP™ and Thales today.