When it comes to #phishing, you’ve got to be on your toes!

You’ve probably heard of phishing, but do you really know what it is?

Phishing is a type of fraud that involves sending emails that appear to be from a trustworthy source (like your bank) in order to obtain sensitive information like usernames and passwords. The email might look like it’s from your bank but actually directs you to a fake website where you’re asked to enter your personal information.

If you’re not careful, phishing emails can lead to identity theft, credit card fraud, and other problems that can have long-lasting effects on your financial life.

Here are some tips for spotting phishing emails:

  • Look out for typos or strange grammar. If an email seems off or feels fishy in any way, don’t open the link or download any attachments until you’ve confirmed with the company that sent it that they did indeed send it!
  • Look at the sender’s address carefully. Is there an “@” symbol before the “mailto:” symbol? If there isn’t one, then chances are good this isn’t really from who it says it is.
  • Check for signs of urgency (like “act now!”) or threats (“your account has been suspended”). Legitimate companies won’t.

Who hasn’t gotten a phishing email at some point? It’s a common occurrence, and it’s not going away any time soon. But what is phishing? And how can you prevent yourself from being phished?

What is Phishing?

Phishing is a scam that uses fake websites, emails, or texts to trick people into giving up their personal information. These fake sites might look like your bank’s website, for example, but if you enter your login information on them, those thieves can use it to access your accounts.

Phishing is a type of cybercrime where hackers send fake emails pretending to be from a legitimate company or organization in order to trick you into giving up personal information. Phishing emails are often designed to look like they come from a legitimate source, like your bank or a government agency. They might ask you for personal details like your account number, password, or social security number.

It’s easy to fall prey to phishing scams—they’re designed that way! But there are ways you can protect yourself and help stop these harmful attacks from happening. Here’s how:

  • Never click on links in emails that are asking for information about you. If an email asks for sensitive information, go directly to the company’s website (wherever it may be) and log in normally.
  • Look out for typos or bad grammar in emails that ask for personal details. If something looks off, do some more research before responding.
  • Be wary of any email that asks you to reply immediately with sensitive information—that should never happen!

When it comes to phishing, you’ve got to be on your toes.

You need to act now!

We at IronCAP™ have been trying to educate businesses and individuals that Q-day (the day the first quantum hack is publicly recognized) is around the corner and everybody needs to gear up. Nation states and governments are already at it, how about you? To learn more, visit www.ironcap.ca.

IronCAP™ is our latest innovation for the post-quantum cybersecurity. This patent-protected, post-quantum cryptographic system is based on the Goppa Code-based cryptographic technology. It has embedded our proprietary subclass of (L, G) making it not only more secured but also has faster cryptographic operations (key generation, encryption, decryption) than the traditional Goppa Code-based technology (McEliece). We are offering a live demonstration for the general public to try and experience the strength of IronCAP™ post-quantum encryption easily. To learn more, visit www.ironcap.ca.