Don’t Let Your #Email Be a Sitting Duck: The Dangers of Sending #UnencryptedEmails

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Email has become the primary mode of communication in the digital age, both for personal and professional purposes. However, with the ease and convenience of sending emails comes the risk of exposing sensitive information to cybercriminals. One of the most significant risks of sending emails is sending unencrypted emails, which can leave your information vulnerable to interception, theft, and misuse. In this blog, we will discuss the dangers of sending unencrypted emails and the steps you can take to protect your sensitive data.

Unencrypted emails are like postcards; anyone who intercepts them can read their contents without much effort. In contrast, encrypted emails are like sealed letters, which require a key to open and read. Unencrypted emails travel across multiple servers to reach their intended recipient, and each server has access to the email’s contents. Hackers can use several techniques to intercept unencrypted emails, including phishing scams, man-in-the-middle attacks, and email hijacking. Once they have access to your emails, they can steal sensitive information like passwords, bank account details, and other personal information.

The consequences of sending unencrypted emails can be severe. For instance, cybercriminals can use the information they obtain to commit identity theft, financial fraud, and even blackmail. Additionally, businesses that send unencrypted emails risk violating data privacy regulations, which can result in hefty fines and damage to their reputation.

To protect yourself and your business from the dangers of unencrypted emails, consider using email encryption software. Encryption software encrypts your emails, making it difficult for hackers to intercept and read their contents. Some email clients, such as Gmail and Outlook, offer built-in encryption features that you can enable. However, it’s worth noting that the recipient must also have encryption software installed for the email to remain encrypted.

Finally, sending unencrypted emails can leave your information exposed to cybercriminals and put your privacy and security at risk. By using email encryption software, you can protect your sensitive data and ensure that your emails remain private and secure. Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

You need to act now!

We at IronCAP™ have been trying to educate businesses and individuals that Q-day (the day the first quantum hack is publicly recognized) is around the corner and everybody needs to gear up. Nation states and governments are already at it, how about you? To learn more, visit

IronCAP™ is our latest innovation for the post-quantum cybersecurity. This patent-protected, post-quantum cryptographic system is based on the Goppa Code-based cryptographic technology. It has embedded our proprietary subclass of (L, G) making it not only more secured but also has faster cryptographic operations (key generation, encryption, decryption) than the traditional Goppa Code-based technology (McEliece). We are offering a live demonstration for the general public to try and experience the strength of IronCAP™ post-quantum encryption easily. To learn more, visit