Tag Archives: Help Desk

Why Do Technical Support Remotely?


Customers’ problems relating to computers or applications can now be solved by a remote technician or agent instantly in a cost-effective way.  Remote support means accessing your client’s computer remotely to do system modifications, updates or fixes.  Of course, it requires certain skills and tools, such as I’m OnCall.  I’m OnCall is a secure online help desk software which allows organizations to offer remote support over the Internet to their customers.

Why remote support is an appealing alternative to traditional on-site support?

-          Going on site requires too much travelling time.

-          Going on site is too expensive.

-          A fix needs to be done in minutes, not hours.

-          Reduces the support response time which will reduce customers’ down time.

-          Allows you to support more customers located in different geographical area

-          Customers’ premises may not be readily accessible (security policy, night time, etc.).

-          Technicians can provide remote support from their mobile devices.

I’m OnCall lets you setup a temporary connection to your customer’s computer without any pre-installed software. You can quickly and efficiently resolve your customers’ technical and IT support issues by remotely controlling their computers.  Plus, your agents can login from anywhere in the world to support your customers, saving you time and travelling cost.

Do you know you can provide world-class Live-Chat support to your customers within minutes?  I’m OnCall gives you private URLs for embedding onto your web site.  Simply implement a Live-Chat button with the given URL on your web site, your customers can then request to chat with an agent easily.  Each agent can have up to 10 simultaneous chat sessions to deal with volumes at peak times.  With its low cost shareable licensing plan and versatile features, I’m OnCall provides you with an ideal tool to offer remote support to your customers.

I'm OnCall

Benefits of Help Desk Software

For those consultants and IT help pros who support multiple clients, not only can the standard model of on-site visits get tiresome, but it can be expensive and inefficient. That is why adding remote support to your service options can be a real boon to your business. Your clients will appreciate the timeliness and savings provided by this option. You will find the convenience brings a bit of sanity back into your work day too. I’m OnCall is a cost-effective, secure online help desk software which allows organizations to offer remote support over the Internet to their customers.

I’m OnCall helps improving your customer satisfaction ratings and competitive edges. You can expedite the time it takes to resolve a problem with our remote support technology while reducing your overall service cost.

Main Benefits of I’m OnCall

Remote Control – With the customer’s permission, a temporary remote control session is established with his/her computer. Any technical issue can be resolved with ease.

Live Chat – I’m OnCall gives you 3 customizable URLs for embedding into your web site. You can then easily implement a Live-Chat customer service feature on your web site within minutes. One agent can simultaneously chat with multiple customers to facilitate busy “call” volume. Not only that it is impossible to achieve with the traditional phone system, it can actually save cost by eliminating the need of installing numerous physical phone lines.

Customization – Enhance your professional image and branding with a customized banner on the support session page. It can include your company logo, slogan, agents’ photos, etc.

Incident Tracking – Your agents or service representatives will benefit from the incident logs. They will help your company to provide better service to your customers.

Customer Rating - An automatic post-session survey can be conducted to measure customer’s rating on the support service they have just received.


Working remotely sure makes the job easier in many ways. If you are planning to add remote support services to your organization, give I’m OnCall a try!!!