Embrace the Post-Quantum Era in 2021

2021 is just ONE day away…cybersecurity experts and industry leaders are certain that their 2020 security concerns are here to stay and will get dramatically worse in the coming 2021 Any business operation must treat cybersecurity as a critical component. Cybersecurity wars are real and the cyber-risks associated to them are unfathomed.

The digital age is transforming every day and nobody can grasp all the cyber-risks that will come with the technological changes. We need to race with the cybercrime and advance our cybersecurity system. Adoption of post-quantum cybersecurity is the urgent next step that all businesses should take in 2021.

Stéphane Nappo, 2018 Global CISO of the Year, Vice President & Global Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Groupe SEB told Cybernews that a few things 2021 will bring:

  • Classical cryptography will lose the ground in front of quantum computing weaponization.
  • Post quantum cryptography will emerge (from theory to reality) as a necessary solution.
  • Data sovereignty will become a major concern for nations and their economies.

Stéphane Nappo said it all…your current security systems, such as RSA, will render obsolete in the post-quantum era. Quantum computing is now accelerating rapidly into commercial applications and that unfortunately will also include quantum hacking. The good news is that IronCAP has already successfully built a quantum-safe encryption that protects you from pre-quantum and post-quantum threats.

If the year 2020 has not opened your eyes on the urgency to make your data quantum-safe, then nothing will. Quantum cryptography is a foolproof way to prevent quantum hacking. Implement IronCAP’s cryptographic technology and be QUANTUM-SAFE, today and tomorrow.
